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Announcing the release of Wevox Board, a new feature that encourages free and engaging dialogue

The organizational capability platform Wevox has released a new feature, Wevox Board, to encourage free and engaging conversations.

What is Wevox Board?

Wevox Board is a whiteboard app that facilitates dialogue. Participants can actively express themselves by writing text, posting sticky notes, and filling in worksheet templates.
Wevox Board can also help visualize feelings and thoughts that arise during conversations. By making full use of reactions, stickers, and question cards, participants can express emotions on the board and find new insights through dialogue.
*If you are currently using Wevox with a paid plan, Wevox Board is available at no additional charge.

For more information (Japanese only): https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000140.000021544.html